Speak out on Wednesday, JaNuary 12th

Michael Perkola speaking to the City Council on October 11.

We invite you to speak out to the Fredericksburg City Council on Wednesday, January 12th at 6 PM at Hill Country University Center[map]. The City Council will consider the draft STR ordinance.

Our Asks to the City Council

  1. A cap on the number of short-term rentals in residential neighborhoods. Currently there are at least 927 STR units. We want 500 or less.

  2. A process for removing STRs in neighborhoods which rent out the entire home and which have no owner onsite.

  3. Quick action on this inclusion of these measures and a vote of them into law. Every STR that is permitted under the current, insufficient ordinance will be grandfathered, including 94 new permits currently under consideration.

Your Actions

  • Arrive at 5:45 PM to sign up to give a verbal comment at the beginning of the meeting. You will have up to 3 minutes to make a statement.

  • If you are unable to attend, then please submit a written comment about your views on STRs to the City Secretary Shelly Goodwin sgoodwin@fbgtx.org by noon on January 12th.

  • Council Member Kathy Sanford O'Neill is our champion. We do not expect Real Estate Broker and Mayor Charlie Kiehne to vote against his business interests. So please write to Jerry Luckenbach, Tom Musselman, and Bobby Watson to share your story and make your requests.

  • A live stream of the meeting should be available on the city's YouTube channel.

Together, we can overcome the STR Alliance to restore neighborhoods for residents!

David, Ray, and Michael


Thank y’all for mobilizing for last night’s STR Workshop!


Victory in arlington. conflict of interest.