Be heard!
Mark Your Calendar
City of Fredericksburg’s Planning and Zoning Commission will meet on Wednesday March 2 at the Law Enforcement Center starting at 5:30 PM to recommend proposed changes to the City’s regulations regarding short-term rentals.
City Council will receive P&Z’s recommendations on Monday, March 7 at the Law Enforcement Center starting at 6:00 PM. If there are no major revisions agreed to at this meeting, the Council will consider voting on the ordinance in their next meeting. It’s vital that our Coalition continue to physically show up at these important meetings (especially March 7th) to reinforce our advocacy that the Council act to protect, preserve and even strengthen our neighborhoods!
Draft #5 of the proposed STR Ordinance can be found here.
What does the Coalition think about draft #5?
The proposed ordinance is a reasonable compromise, and we support it. The ordinance restricts the commodification of entire homes and moves us towards the goal of restoring our neighborhoods. With the passage of this ordinance it becomes very difficult to get a permit for an absentee-STR located in R-1 and more challenging to do so in R-2 as well. Mechanisms will also be in place to report and track violations, leading to (potentially) hefty fines.
Through the advocacy of this group (people like YOU) the ordinance has evolved into a document that offers considerably more protection for neighborhoods!