An Aspirational example of str Ownership
It’s my privilege to begin sharing a few neighborhood testimonials, stories of how our mission to preserve neighborhoods affect real lives. Thank you for taking the time to hear from Finn Alban. I had the pleasure of meeting Finn some ten years ago, as she helped launch the Fredericksburg Farmers Market. We believe Finn’s approach of an owner-occupied B&B is a model that more aspiring short-term rental owners could learn from.
Just as we are reminded to never grow weary in doing good, I remind all of us (myself included) to continue to engage in this struggle with gusto and intentionality, and even goodness. At the end of the day, we all must share this community. May we be proud of the way we conduct ourselves amidst this spirited struggle.
In the meantime, it is vital we continue spreading word of our Coalition, writing letters to the Standard, and robustly representing our neighborhoods at City meetings! Our aim is nothing less than assembling a grassroots coalition of residents that can assure the election of pro-community representatives not just in this election cycle but for many years henceforth.
Stay tuned for the announcement of an in-person gathering of our Neighborhood Coalition.
Believing neighborhoods are for neighbors,
David Turpin