Upcoming Opportunities for Comment & Action
Opportunities for Comment
Thank you, team! You have been showing up to the City Council meetings, writing comments to the City staff, and writing to the newspaper. Chere Connor's guest column and Don Gallaspy's letter were published in last week's edition. They are included below if you wish to read them.
The next event is a Planning & Zoning Committee meeting on Wednesday, January 26th at 5:30 PM at City Hall. This will be a tough crowd because we believe that at least 3 members of the committee are STR owners.
The other events are listed in the next column. Notice that a vote isn't scheduled! While this allows more STRs to receive permits before the vote, it also allows our coalition to more time to influence the final draft.
If you are unable attend these meetings, you're welcome to send your comments to citizencomments@fbgtx.org. Please copy us in the correspondence.
Tell your personal stories.
Talk about what your city blocks look like.
Tell your stories of noise on the weekends and empty blocks during the weekdays.
Talk about shortage of housing has affected your work or coworkers.