Flyer Distribution And P&Z Meeting Tonight


We have the first printing of flyers available for distribution. Contact David Turpin to arrange a pick up or stop by Busy Bee Communications (across the street from HEB) to obtain some. You can also download the letter-sized version, print it, and share it.

Opportunity for Comment

The next event is a Planning & Zoning Committee meeting is tonight at 5:30 PM at the Law Enforcement Center.

If you are unable attend these meetings, you're welcome to send your comments to Please copy us in the correspondence.

The Fredericksburg Short-Term Rental Alliance has scheduled an event. They will explain how their commodification of housing is actually of benefit to the community. It will be an astounding display of rhetorical and mental gymnastics! The event will feature professional lobbyist Matt Curtis, who spoke at the January 12th City Council meeting. It's a sign that Expedia has taken notice of our actions.

To the Fredericksburg Community
Is the present R-1 zoning regulation creating a “healthy community”? A “healthy community” is the goal of zoning. The community is in the middle of a controversy over the health of single-family neighborhoods and R-1 zoning. Until the zoning was changed in 2013, R-1 zoning was the most restrictive zoning. It allowed a homeowner to rent a bed and breakfast accommodation in his/her owner- occupied residence for a short term.
Short term rental can mean one or multiple accommodations in a single-family home and/or several buildings on one parcel of land. In 2013, Fredericksburg changed the R-1 zoning to allow this type of use in a non-owner-occupied home in R-1. This changed the game and has allowed the growth of non-owner-occupied projects throughout the R-1 district. There is no requirement for owner occupancy. The single-family residential neighborhoods of Fredericksburg, unless deed restricted against, are now full of non-owner-occupied short-term rentals, STRs.
The simple solution that is available to the citizens of Fredericksburg is to require the city council to modify the R-1 zoning. Return the zoning to the way it was prior to 2013 when an owner was required to occupy his/her home in order to provide a short-term rental. This has no impact on long term rental of one’s home.
No one seems to be opposed to STRs in properly zoned areas, R-2, and less restrictive zones. People do object to an apartment house or motel or shopping center in their single-family neighborhoods. R-1 zones need to be protected from STRs.
The real estate community knows that what has happened is not beneficial for the community. Neighborhoods without children are sterile, house after house without a family. Resurrection of these neighborhoods will take years to accomplish. Is money the only thing of value? Requiring owner occupation in R-1 to operate a STR is good for the neighborhoods.
Those property owners that have invested in STRs were never guaranteed a profit by the market; it is the game of real estate investment, with its ups and downs. There are many Fredericksburg zoning districts suitable for STRs. Once the zoning is changed back, a transition period should be allowed for these investors to modify their properties to fit the zoning. They could sell or convert the properties to long term rentals or live in them. Many of the units could be rented to the many working in our community and finding housing difficult. This change could have many benefits to our community.
The City of Fredericksburg has the legal right to change zoning, definition of uses and zone boundaries. Maybe the City Council will have the courage and wisdom to save our single-family neighborhoods and recreate a “healthy community”.
— Kenneth Carr

2021 Year’s End


Upcoming Opportunities for Comment & Action