Last chance to vote for our neighborhoods
Election Day is on Saturday, May 7th. The polls will be at the Middle School Library, 110 W. Travis Street and open from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Saturday will be a busy day in town with the 175th Anniversary parade and other celebration events throughout the day at Marktplatz, Pioneer Museum, and other locations. Consider voting very early in the day (the parade starts at 10) or late in the day. If you haven’t already voted, please do so, and encourage friends to vote as well.
The key goal of the Fredericksburg Neighborhood Coalition has always been to preserve the neighborhoods of our town. The residents of Fredericksburg’s neighborhoods are its most valuable asset and we endeavor to provide a unified voice for them. In short, what is good for our neighborhoods is good for our town. We need thoughtful elected officials who will place the needs of our town’s residents on at least equal footing with the needs of our tourism industry. This is a balance which has recently been lacking, and the quality of life in our neighborhoods has suffered as a result.
We urge you to vote for a change and elect proactive leaders for our town. We need elected officials who will:
Be guided by the 2018 Path to the Future document authored by residents and approved by the City
Make decisions that are best for all of Fredericksburg, especially our residents.
We believe Jeryl Hoover for Mayor, and City Council candidates Emily Kirchner and Tony Klein will be those kind of leaders.
The new ordinance is a substantial step in the right direction. However we must continue to make our elected officials aware that the work doesn’t stop here. We want the unanimously enacted ordinance to be enforced. And if things in the new ordinance don’t function as intended – they need to be fixed. Your vote for Hoover, Kirchner, and Klein is the best way to ensure that happens.
Thank you for supporting the Fredericksburg Neighborhood Coalition.
Through the end of early voting on Tuesday, the City reports that 1663 votes have been cast in-person and 199 mail-in ballots have been received. Over 400 in-person votes were cast on Tuesday alone. This is a huge turnout and there is still Election Day voting on Saturday to go! We hope that this is a sign that people who haven’t voted regularly in past city elections are turning out this time to vote for a change in direction for our town!
Beginning at 9 AM on Saturday, the Early Voting Ballot Board will meet and start counting both the early votes and the mail-in ballots. No announcement of the unofficial results of those counts will be made until after the polls close at 7 PM. On the city website,, you can sign-up to have the unofficial results sent to you by email or text as soon as they are available.
When the polls close, the tabulation of Election Day votes will begin at the polling site. As soon as that is complete, the unofficial results of the combined early voting, Election Day voting, and mail-in ballots will be posted. Timely post-marked mail-in votes may continue to be received and counted after the 7th. In accordance with State law, in a meeting with City Council members, open to the public, the official election results will be finalized.