Neighborhood Gathering. changes at City Hall. Upcoming Election.

Meet Your Neighborhood Coalition

Wednesday, April 20, 6-8 PM, at Pontotoc Vineyard Weingarten, 320 West Main Street.
Meet the many people who want the best for our neighborhoods. The organizers of FBGNC and invited candidates for city office will be in attendance. Free to attend.

Key Changes at City Hall

There have been several important personnel changes at City Hall which will have an impact on how the new STR ordinance is interpreted and enforced. Clinton Bailey, the current Assistant City Manager, has been appointed City Manager, effective May 1. Kent Meyers, the current City Manager, will transition to Director of Special Projects until his retirement on September 30. Jason Lutz, who was the primary author of the STR ordinance, has departed the position of Director of Development Services. Garret Bonn, current Assistant Engineer, has been appointed interim Director of Development Services. The city staff members are critical to the interpretation and implementation of the new STR ordinance.
Also, we do not yet know when Granicus (a vendor of municipal management software) will launch its hotline for reporting code violations. FBGNC will share more information about enforcement as we learn it.
On top of all of this, we have the election for Mayor and two City Council seats happening on May 7. The leadership of the new Mayor and City Council will direct city staff in its enforcement of the ordinance.


The upcoming election is very important. Vote in the local elections for those who will bring quality leadership and fulfill a vision of a peaceful, prosperous town. Fredericksburg Neighborhood Coalition believes that Jeryl Hoover, Emily Eppright Kirchner, and Tony Klein will best serve the interests of residents.

Early voting is on weekdays, from Monday, April 25 to Tuesday, May 3, and Saturday April 30, 8:00 – 11:30. Election day is on Saturday, May 7.

Jeryl Hoover for Mayor

Emily Eppright Kirchner for City Council

Tony Klein for City Council


Guidance on Enforcement.


STR Ordinance Passed!